
80th anniversary of the Royallieu Camp’s Liberation

Saturday 31st of August 2024
9 pm > 12 am – Loop screening

Duration: approx. 8 min
> Facebook event

Internment and Deportation Memorial – Royallieu Camp
2bis avenue des Martyrs de la Liberté
60200 Compiègne
Free parking (Memorial car park)
Monument video mapping

The Video Mapping Festival stops in Compiègne on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Liberation, with a mapping on the facade of the Internment and Deportation Memorial made by a German artist and a French artist during a co-creation residency.
> And also :
Admission to the Memorial is free all evening. Guided visits of the entire tour at 9.30 pm and 10.30 pm (free, subject to availability – booking required by email: servicedespublics@memorial-compiegne.fr).
► Les mots jetés du train (Words thrown from the train)
In this media installation, artists Julian Hölscher, Jules Camille Huvig and composer Géraldine Kwik explore the mechanism of dehumanisation at work in the Royallieu camp. Both in a formal and emotional way, with care and respect to the departed, the piece shows the implication of the prisoners being reduced to mere numbers.
Direction: Julian HÖLSCHER & Jules Camille HUVIG
Original music: Géraldine KWIK

Video mapping created for the Video Mapping Festival organised by Rencontres Audiovisuelles.
With the support of the Hauts-de-France Region, DRAC Hauts-de-France, City of Compiègne and the Internment and Deportation Memorial – Royallieu Camp.


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