
Rencontres Audiovisuelles and the Wallers-Arenberg Mine Site, with the support of the Hauts-de-France Region and the European Union, ERDF programme, join together to propose a research and thematic creation residency about video mapping.

Through the work created by an artist or a group of artists, this residency aims to experiment with new forms of writing: (animation) movies, interactive pieces or performances, that are spatialised and contextualised, and also to experiment new technological devices.

This application call is intended for international artists such as directors, scriptwriters, museographs, stage designers, animation artists, game designers, developers, sound designers, musicians, etc. The application call is open to all, including people who do not have any experience in video mapping yet.

The works produced during the residency will be shown during the Video Mapping Festival, which 7th edition will be held in Lille on the 5th and 6th of April 2024. The works are aimed at both the general public and also international professionals.

> Download the application call

Deadline for applications: 20th of October 2023
Information, application: antoine@rencontres-audiovisuelles.org

Proposed by Rencontres Audiovisuelles and the Wallers-Arenberg Mine Site, with the support of the Hauts-de-France Region and the European Union, ERDF programme.


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